Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Did Not Forget To Wear Green Today

I've been neglecting this blog because I ended up with a temporary job at a law firm and my brother was in town last week. Time to catch up with what's on my mind.


Turns out that Ms. Delilah is perfect in every way, except for her "serious" Bartonella infection. I have to give her liquid antibiotics every day for 21 days. Although Delilah was not sick from the infection, I think her upper respiratory problems (she is the sneeziest cat I know) were a result of this.

Her latest favorite place to crash is in front of the bedroom window in Steve's ugly green recliner. When Steve and I started seriously seeing each other, we bought a green cotton throw. It was always over at Steve's house for my use when I got cold or chilly. Now, Delilah is attached to that blanket like crazy. She loves to cuddle up in it and sleep, be it on the chair, the bed, or the couch. Usually, when I get home from work, I find her curled up in the chair on her green blanket, as below.

Of course, I can't let her sleep in peace. I must take a picture.


I cannot stand making mistakes. Yes, it is irritating and upsetting in a general sort of way. But my problem is that I constantly berating myself. It's like my internal voice just is stuck on repeat. When I am working, this problem is magnified ten-fold. I can handle mistakes and screw-ups when I'm around my family or friends. However, in the face of co-workers and clients, mistakes I make send me spinning and I end up compounding errors. While I logically realize what I do and what I am responsible for is merely a blip on a blip on a blip in the huge scheme of things, once those destructive thoughts form in my head, I can't keep them from multiplying until they become my only thought. I have to forcibly distract myself in order to get rid of them. They are strongest on my way home from work; thus the reason I try to make as many phone calls as possible on my way home. To avoid the negativity......


I'm halfway through my second 30-day workout session with Wii Active. I know the workouts are going to get even more intense. I have been religious with following the routines, but the weight is not really dropping off. But, for a change, I am withholding final judgment until I complete a full 90 days of exercises (Wii Active on low, medium, and high intensity). Meanwhile, I have to congratulate (on a daily basis) Steve on his 20-lb weight loss.


I'm only halfway through my sweater wrap. I've been neglecting my knitting as I have my blogging, and for the same reasons.


Anonymous said...

My partner and I really enjoyed reading this blog post, I was just itching to know do you trade featured posts? I am always trying to find someone to make trades with and merely thought I would ask.

Anonymous said...

found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later

Finding My Treasure

Now that my shawl is complete (yarn purchased during the Orange Blossom Yarn Crawl in March), it is just hanging out in my foyer until I de...