Saturday afternoon and the sky is darkening. We are supposed to get lots of thunderstorms this weekend and it sounds like/looks like they are starting to roll in.
I am very far behind with my workload, and I probably should go into work this weekend to make a dent in the paperwork. However, I'm fairly confident that I will not be doing that. I plan to stay far away from the office because my anxiety is at a very high level; I'm hoping that by staying away from work, I will relax just a bit in an effort to give my attitude time to adjust to a more tolerable level.
On the kitty cat front, Monkey made it through her spaying surgery without any complications (thank goodness). I was in a panic over Monkey's refusal to keep her e-collar on. Mr. Grumpbump did not ease the situation as he sent me regular text updates of Monkey's paw caught in the collar or how she pulled it up into her mouth and was choking on it.
On my way home from work, I bought an inflatable e-collar. So we replaced the plastic one with the inflatable one and Monkey went to town again. Wiggling and pawing at it with no rest. I eventually took it off of her and tried to watch her. All night. I woke up every hour to look for her and check on her. My fear was that she would pick and lick at her incision area. Mr. Grumpbump and I even considered boarding her at the vet for the day, while we were at work. Believe me, it was all very dramatic and high tension over a tiny kitten's spaying surgery. We knew that we were making a big deal over it but we were very scared.
To Monkey's credit, she didn't really make any fuss over her incision. I ended up leaving her at the house, in our bedroom behind closed doors. I was nervous and I should have just had faith because Monkey was fine and is fine. She appears to be healing normally and really doesn't show any interest in messing with the suture area.
One day post surgery wondering why all the fuss |
Nothing really stopped Monkey; she was her normal bouncy self just a day after and she was so happy to be back at home with her pals, Delilah and Macy. Macy and Monkey are so cute together; Monkey is definitely the annoying little sister to Macy's shy sensible nature. Monkey just wants to be around her big sister cat, you know?
Went looking for cats and found this |
Now, to our other cat with recent surgery, Delilah. That poor girl has been in an e-collar for ten days. Her left ear is all stitched up like Frankenstein's monster. Mr. Grumpbump took her the vet yesterday for removal of the stitches. Unfortunately for her, she has to wait another ten days to get them removed! Mr. Grumpbump and I decided to remove the e-collar for the weekend, while we are around to watch her. However, when we go back to work on Monday, the cone will be back on and believe me, Delilah will be in a shitty mood. To which I say, join the club. Mondays suck.
Free of the cone! |