Lately, Delilah has been so sweet and climbing into my lap to nap while I knit. Today, I managed to get a pretty good shot of her at the window.
I'm taking a big leap this year by saying aloud that I feel like this will be a good year for me. I know that changes are on the way for me, and I'm going to embrace them. Although I'm not ready to announce what they are just yet, I do plan to include them in my future posting.
I have the worst road rage lately, and I've got to get it under control. I was making a left turn out of a parking lot this morning, and my car stalled (I drive standard transmission and my foot slipped off the clutch pedal), and the car behind me honked at me for not moving! I let loose by screaming my head off (all to naught because my windows were up and I have tinted windows). I was so angry; too much for the offense. The honker drove away and I proceeded home. And just like that, my anger was gone. But it was quick and fierce. I do not think this was a healthy response, even though I had immediately let go of the anger after I was able to scream and yell. I have to figure out why I can't seem to handle the little infractions that happen when you drive.
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