Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sweets For the Stressed

Ah, stress. In my past jobs, I used stress to push out as much work as possible. I could do a whole heck of a lot when the pressure was on and the deadline was fast approaching. This is when I was working 60+ hours per week and at least one day on the weekend. I had no life; just work.

I've decided to embrace the old cliched adage to take each day as its own and be happy. Therefore, work seems tedious and in the way of me trying to figure out what makes me happy. My reaction to stress is completely different; I don't want it and I will not accept it. When I had to take on three different jobs at work, I simply just quit doing anything except the immediate project required each day. Every day, I was another full day behind. Very frustrating, trying to keep my energy up and looking at my desk with files everywhere and nothing moving forward.

While looking for balance in my life, I face the realization that I am 38 years old and still searching for what I want in life. This frustrates my parents, who can't understand why I seem to flounder. Sometimes, when we speak, I can hear their disapproval in the types of questions they ask me or the comments they make. I try really hard not to take it personally nor to beat myself up over it. I am responsible for who I am and if I'm a work in process, then so be it.

Today, my stress reliever was making cupcakes.

Chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing

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